Finding the Helpers

Looking for Connection in Separation: Rouben Madikians

Alexis Decosimo and Kristin Ramsey Season 1 Episode 4

In Episode 4, we interview Rouben Madikians who is a flight attendant, yoga teacher, photographer, and COVID-19 survivor. His story inspires us to look for connection even in the isolation and that being vulnerable takes strength and courage. His interview highlights for all of us the importance of self love and empathy for ourselves and others, even in times of crises.  

Read more about Rouben's stories and suggested quick self care activities from the Playing to Live clinical team inspired by his story on our blog.

Do you know someone working on the front lines of the COVID-19 response? We want to hear from them. Please connect us with them by emailing us at And finally, please subscribe to our podcast, give us a rating, leave a comment, and share the podcast with others who you think may enjoy it. We need your help to share this important story.

A special thanks to Rouben for his time to talk with us. See more of Rouben’s photos here.  Thanks to Josh Carter for the theme music, find more at, and to Lindsay Bingaman for writing our blog.